Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable

  • Manufactured by: Hygehgh Biopharm Co., Ltd.
  • Country of origin: China
  • Manufactured since: 2009 – Present
  • Package :10ml
  • Purity:
  • Price: $50–$90
  • Minimum Order:1 vials
  • Storage:room temperature 15° to 30° C (59° to 86° F)
  • Delivery: 5-15 days
  • Source:

Sustanon is one of their most well-known steroids and, for a time, was easily their most popular. While other types have been released over the years that have eclipsed it in popularity, sustanon remains one of the best known and most utilized by bodybuilders.

Like many types of anabolic steroids, sustanon was initially developed for medical uses.

For example, it has been shown to help with skeletal structures and the muscle strength of those with various types of wasting diseases. Currently, there are three types available from Organon. These variations will be discussed in more depth later.

For now, it is worth knowing that they contain:

  • Testosterone Propionate
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • Testosterone Isocarpoate
  • Testosterone Decanoate

These ingredients are known as esters and help to stimulate various types of testosterone production in your body.

They vary mostly based on their half-lives, a rating which indicates how long they stay in the body. Like many types of steroids, sustanon in its varying types must be injected directly into the muscles to have any effect.

And while sustanon is still used in some medical situations, it is usually done so at a lower rate than those who take it for muscle building.

However, sustanon has been found to have many side effects and is no longer used as often for medical purposes. Therefore, it is safe to say that it is primarily a muscle-building formula for bodybuilders.

When it comes to Sustanon’s original intent, the idea was to create a testosterone compound comprised of varying sized esters that would allow for instant testosterone benefits that would be long lasting. Of course, this hope would prove to be successful; in-fact, a TRT patient could actually remedy his low testosterone condition with only one injection of Sustanon 250 every three to four weeks. Even so, due to a mixture of small and large esters, a problem was later discovered; while low testosterone would be remedied, total testosterone levels would rise and fall beyond appropriate or satisfactory means. For this reason, if levels are to be maintained at a more stable level, one injection every teen to fourteen days is probably more efficient, and for this reason, many U.S. physicians often opt for large single ester testosterone compounds like Testosterone Cypionate.

While the original intent of Sustanon was for TRT, this can be an excellent choice for performance enhancing athletes; after all, Sustanon 250 is merely testosterone. Even so, due to the mixture of four varying esters, if levels are to remain not only stable but also peaked at all times, despite large esters being a part of the compound every other day injections are normally recommended. You might be able to get by with three injections per week, but an every other day schedule will prove far more efficient. With all of this in mind, we want to look at Sustanon , what it is precisely, what it has to offer, the side effects associated, and of course, what you can do about them in-order to achieve successful supplementation.

Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable benefit & effect

When sustanon goes into effect in your body, a variety of changes will occur. Each of these changes is designed to provide performance benefits for your body that make you a more effective athlete and bodybuilder.

Understanding these benefits is critical when deciding if sustanon is right for you and your muscle-building needs.

In the following section, I will break down the benefits of this supplement into multiple categories.

These will include bulking benefits, cutting advantages, and even surprising health benefits that you might not expect. In this way, you will fully understand the benefits of taking sustanon and can decide if it is right for your needs.


People who want to add muscle mass to their body often turn to sustanon or other types of anabolic steroids.

These substances help to not only increase your protein synthesis but make it easier for you to bulk up quickly and effectively. Sustanon and other steroids provide this benefit without adding fat to your body at the same time, which is crucial for those who want to look better and get into shape quickly.

The exact gains that you’ll earn when bulking up with sustanon will vary depending on a variety of factors that may not be under your control.

Later on in this article, I will highlight a few result cases to give you an idea of how much muscle you can add to your body with this useful supplement choice. For now, let’s say that you can expect upwards of 30 pounds of extra muscle mass when using this supplement correctly, though your gains may not reach those levels.


Sustanon is not commonly used for cutting because most testosterone compounds like it are rarely used to cut muscles.

Cutting is what happens when you focus on turning your muscle mass into a more defined mass. It also involves eliminating fat from your body to create a leaner and healthier look. As a result, cutting preserves lean muscle mass and makes you appear more muscular than before you started.

That said, you can also improve your cutting efficiency by taking sustanon and other types of anabolic steroids.

That’s because it is low in calories but high in energy production. It can then enhance your protein synthesis and make it easier for your body’s muscles to achieve stronger and more precise definition. Even better, increased testosterone levels will boost your fat-burning metabolism and further improve your muscle definition.

3.Increased Nitrogen Retention

Lean muscle mass is difficult to maintain because our bodies can only retain so much nitrogen. And that’s because this element is essential for building lean muscle tissue and keeping it healthy.

In fact, nitrogen makes up nearly 20 percent of your lean muscle mass. Therefore, without a high volume of nitrogen in your body and your muscles, your overall musculature will start to decrease between exercise routines.

Thankfully, supplements like sustanon and other types of anabolic steroids will boost your levels of nitrogen retention even higher.

The definite increase in your levels will vary, but some have found a rise of 5-10 percent. With this extra nitrogen in your muscles, they are less likely to decrease in size between workouts or during lengthy exercise breaks. That’s one reason why people who regularly take sustanon and other anabolic steroids keep such substantial muscle mass levels.

4.Higher Levels of Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are secretly one of the most important parts of your overall health. That’s because they carry oxygen throughout your body and provide your muscles and body tissues with the nutrients they need to survive.

Without a high concentration of red blood cells in your body, you are not only going to get fatigued more quickly than normal, but your exercise will be less efficient and effective.

Thankfully, the use of steroids like sustanon naturally increases your red blood cell levels. In this way, you will have access to higher levels of oxygen and will be able to recover more quickly than you could before you started taking sustanon. The exact increase in red blood cells is hard to measure but may be as high as 5-7 percent more than average.

5.Decrease of Stress Hormones

Stress hormones, known as glucocorticoid hormones, are surprisingly essential for your health. That’s because they prepare the body for stressful situations and make it easier for you to react to them.

That said, modern life creates an excessive level of these hormones, which can be problematic to your health in many ways. For example, these hormones can suppress fat burning, stress your heart, and even destroy your muscle mass.

Therefore, it is critical to eliminate excessive levels of this hormone in your body as much as possible.

Thankfully, the use of sustanon and other types of anabolic steroids naturally decreases your stress hormones. Even better, your increased exercise efficiency will make it easier for you to heavily workout, which is one of the best ways to eliminate stress hormones from your body.

6.Lowered Diabetes Risk

While many of these benefits are obvious when discussing sustanon, a few may be surprising.

For example, studies have linked low levels of testosterone with the development of diabetes. As a result, people taking sustanon and other types of anabolic steroids may decrease their risk of developing minor or severe diabetes.

That said, you shouldn’t treat diabetes by taking sustanon or other types of anabolic steroids.

Conventional treatment methods, such as insulin shots and dietary control, should be utilized instead. And type 1 or childhood diabetes is unaffected by the use of steroids, as the complete shutdown of insulin production causes this disease, meaning that it cannot be reversed.

7.Other Potential Benefits

The following benefits of sustanon have all been noticed in limited instances during a few laboratory tests and studies. However, more work needs to be done to confirm the depth of their actual influence. Just a few of these benefits include how taking sustanon:

  • Manages low libido
  • Improves erectile dysfunction symptoms
  • Increases energy levels
  • Decreases insomnia instances
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Improves mental focus
  • Helps sharpen mental clarity
  • Lowers the risk of depression

Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable side-effects

While sustanon is used by thousands of people without issue every year, there are still quite a large number of side effects associated with its use.

These adverse effects are usually more of a problem for those who take high levels of this supplement on a regular basis.

However, they can also occur in those who take any level of sustanon.

Most of these adverse effects are quite familiar with other types of steroids and make the use of sustanon a tricky proposition for many to handle. As a result, it is essential to fully understand the possible side effects of this substance when making a purchasing decision.

1.Pregnancy Complications

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should stay away from sustanon. That’s because it can cause issues or complications that make it problematic to use. In fact, women should avoid using this supplement completely. Failure to follow this guideline is a problem that I’ll discuss in more depth in the FAQ section below.

2.Gender Problems

Excessive testosterone can cause women to start becoming more masculine, including the development of a deeper voice and facial hair.

However, stopping this supplement without going through post-cycle therapy or PCT can cause men to get higher voices, less hair, and may even shrink their testicles. Conversely, taking too much may cause an enlarged prostate gland and an increased risk of prostate and testicular cancer.

3.Problems With Red Blood Cells

In some instances, this type of testosterone therapy can increase your red blood cells to unsafe levels.

This issue can cause sudden bruises to appear on your body and can lead to other types of health concerns. Thankfully, this type of problem typically goes away when you stop taking sustanon, though it may also be persistent and damaging even after you quit.

4.Liver and Kidney Issues

The development of liver and kidney problems is not uncommon with sustanon. Using this substance at levels higher than 750 milligrams and skipping PCT can cause stress in these organs and make them work more heavily. In some cases, you may even cause them to temporarily or permanently shut down. Thankfully, most instances of this problem are quite rare and treatable by dialysis.

5.Blood Pressure Issues

Those with high blood pressure should probably stay away from sustanon.

This substance and others like it will usually raise your blood pressure. If it is at a healthy level, there is usually not a problem. However, those with high blood pressure may push it up to dangerous levels. That said, an increase in blood pressure may also become suddenly sharp when using any steroid.

6.Migraines and Headaches

Some individuals who regularly use sustanon and other types of steroids have complained about headaches and migraines in the past.

This problem is common with those who take high levels of sustanon, typically much higher than 750 milligrams. Most of the time, decreasing your dosage should help with this problem. If not, a doctor should be visited as soon as possible to check for more serious problems.

7.Water Retention

The retention of water is a difficult situation that can make a person gain weight and feel miserable and bloated.

In some situations, individuals who take sustanon may end up retaining a large amount of water. Most of the time, this situation isn’t serious enough to be a true issue. That said, it can become worse over time and cause health complications that can even threaten your life if left untreated for too long.

8.Diabetes Complications

As mentioned before, sustanon use may cause an improvement in the diabetes symptoms of some individuals.

Unfortunately, it may cause diabetes complications in other people. For example, your increased metabolism may burn through your sugar more quickly and require more frequent insulin shots. In some scenarios, the use of anabolic steroids could cause diabetic comas and other unhealthy reactions.

9.Non-Serious Side Effects

While the following side effects are not as severe as others on this list, they are still problematic and uncomfortable. If you experience any of these problems, make sure that you contact your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Itching
  • Severe acne
  • Nausea
  • Nervousness
  • Changes in mood
  • Muscle pain
  • Issues with your sex drive
  • Painful erections or ejaculation problems

If you experience these symptoms or any other complications, it is important to talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

They can provide you with the help you need to overcome them and to stay on sustanon. And if this steroid is causing too many health problems, they can find another type that won’t affect you in these ways.

How To Use The Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable ?

Dosing sustanon properly is an important consideration because it is critical for ensuring that you get the best results. You also want to avoid using too much and causing a reliance that can upset your hormone balance.

The following section will give you an insightful look at how to start your sustanon doses before transitioning to a regular schedule of injections and intake.

The Dose of Sustanon Will Vary

When using sustanon 250, you take 250 milligrams every time you inject. Most people can safely tolerate up to 750 milligrams per week without suffering from any problems. That translates to three doses a week separated by at least one day between each injection. However, some users may decide to use 1,000 milligrams or a higher dose, a step that I can’t suggest because it increases the chances of suffering from serious side effects.

In fact, I suggest beginners start with just one injection every week. This dosage should be more than enough to get you real results from your exercise. Once you feel comfortable using 250 milligrams every day, you can upgrade to 500 milligrams and adjust your injection schedule. Injecting on Tuesday and Thursday is a good schedule for your injections. This timing should give you enough time to recover and to build up your hormone amounts to safer levels.

If you do upgrade to 750 milligrams per week, shift your injection schedule to Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. This schedule gives you a day off or more between each injection. As a result, you should have elevated levels of testosterone throughout the week that make it easier for you to exercise and build your muscles. If you feel concerned about using too much sustanon with each infusion, you can transition down to lower doses without difficulty.

In a later section, I will give a more detailed understanding of the type of cycle that is typical for sustanon.

This cycle will include when you should add certain kinds of steroids and when you need to start transitioning to a PCT schedule. A post-cycle therapy schedule is vital to master because it can prevent you from the adverse effects associated with testosterone replacement.

PCT Dosing

A PCT schedule should begin after a 4-8 week of sustanon and last at least 10-20 days.

Most of the time, you’ll be taking Clomid and Nolvadex during this period. Clomid and Nolvadex are replacement substances that help transition you back to a schedule without sustanon. In this way, your body can start producing testosterone at a healthy and safe level.

That said, you don’t have to take both at the same time. Some people may only want Nolvadex for their PCT if they don’t want to purchase both types of medicine at the same time. If you want to use only Nolvadex during your PCT, your schedule should include:

  • Day 1: 100 milligrams
  • Day 2 – 10: 60 milligrams
  • Day 11 – 21: 40 milligrams

That said, it is usually best to combine both Nolvadex and Clomid to ensure that you transition more successfully after finishing up your sustanon doses. That’s because Clomid and Nolvadex cover different elements of your hormone balance and provide you with a more comprehensive recovery. Like Nolvadex, it is split up into three stages, including:

  • Day 1: Clomid 250 milligrams and Nolvadex 60 milligrams
  • Day 2 – 10: Clomid 100 milligrams and Nolvadex 40 milligrams
  • Day 11 – 20: Clomid 50 milligrams and Nolvadex 20 milligrams

The best time to start your PCT routine is three weeks after your last injection. You wait this long to give your body time to recover from your sustanon doses. Your PCT treatment should then last at least three weeks, giving you six weeks between your 4-8 week cycles. By following this type of schedule, you can take sustanon indefinitely without experiencing permanent side effects.

Storage Of The Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable

Store at controlled room temperature 15° to 30° C (59° to 86° F)

Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable Cycle:

A Typical Sustanon Cycle

Sustanon is like other types of steroids in that there is no single way to cycle it. This type of cycling is done to maximize the effectiveness of this steroid for specific training situations.

The following cycles are some of the most common and useful to try out. Make sure that you fully research each cycle to choose one that is right for your needs:

Newbie Cycle

Week 1 – 12: Sustanon, 500 milligrams
Week 13 – 15: Nothing
Week 16 – 18: A PCT routine

Mass Cycle

Week 1 – 6: Sustanon, 500 milligrams, Deca Durabolin 400 milligrams, and Dianabol, 40 milligrams
Week 7 – 12: Sustanon, 500 milligrams and Deca Durabolin, 400 milligrams
Week 13 – 15: Nothing
Week 16 – 18: A PCT routine

Supportive Cutting Cycle

Week 1 – 12: Sustanon, 350 milligrams and Anastrozole, 0.5 milligrams every other day
Week 13 – 15: Nothing
Week 16 – 18: A PCT routine

Advanced Hardening Cycle

Week 1 – 12: Sustanon, 500 milligrams and Trenbolone, 500 milligrams
Week 13 – 15: Nothing
Week 16 – 18: A PCT routine

Bulking Sustanon

Week 1 – 6: Sustanon, 500 milligrams, Dianabol 25 milligrams, and Arimidex, 0.5 milligrams
Week 7 – 12: Sustanon, 500 milligrams and Arimidex, 0.5 milligrams
Week 12 – 15: Nothing
Week 16 – 18: A PCT routine

Cutting Sustanon

Week 1 – 6: Sustanon, 500 milligrams and Armidex, 0.5 milligrams
Week 7 – 12: Sustanon, 500 milligrams, Anavar, 50 milligrams, and Armidex, 0.5 milligrams
Week 12 – 15: Nothing
Week 15 – 18: A PCT routine

Once you find a cycle that works the best for your needs, stay on it for awhile until you feel comfortable using it. Then, you can transition to more challenging cycles to further increase your muscle strength. Make sure to always talk to your doctor before making any major changes in your routine. They can give you the advice you need to avoid making a mistake and hurting yourself.

Sustanon Results

When it comes right down to it, the most important consideration when buying sustanon is its results. In fact, some people may be willing to overlook the downsides and side effects of using anabolic steroids because the results are potent for their muscle-building routines.

The following section will take a look at two examples of sustanon use and showcase pics that illustrate their results. Then, I’ll discuss whether or not these results are typical for people using this supplement or others similar to it. In this way, you can decide if you want to risk the side effects of sustanon for your workout routines.

The First Result

In one look at the results of sustanon, it was found that the first four weeks of sustanon use could help a person gain up to 20 pounds of lean muscle tissue. Those increases expanded to 30 pounds of lean muscle if you boosted your cycle to eight weeks instead of four. That somewhat slower increase during the second month is because your initial gains will occur during the first month.

To showcase this benefit, they took a look at the increased muscle mass that occurred in bodybuilder Lazar Angelov. This athlete is a bodybuilder respected on social media for his gains and his overall personality and dedication to the sport. Before he started taking sustanon, he was a skilled and respected bodybuilder but by no means the largest in the world. However, the results he experienced with sustanon were shocking.

The before and after photos highlighted in this article are very telling. Angelov went from a fit and firm individual to one with an incredible musculature. His abs were more pronounced, his arms and legs larger and more firm, and his overall strength increased. These results appeared after only a handful of weeks and sustained through the use of heavy exercise and PCT routines.

A Second Study

In this example, the person studied not only put on extra muscle but also lost a lot of fat. In fact, this man (known as Richard) was getting older and inching dangerously close to obesity. His health was getting worse, due to his excessive weight, and he needed to lose weight quickly while building up his overall body mass.

By taking sustanon, he was able to burn 28 pounds of body fat in just four weeks. This process took him from a hefty 322 pounds to 294 pounds. And by working out regularly, he was able to increase the definition of his muscle mass and become more ripped. In fact, his increased muscle mass may have hidden extra fat loss throughout his body.

And his exercise gains were even higher. When he started, he could bench press just 255 pounds. This lift weight increased to a respectable 315 pounds with the use of sustanon. And his leg press soared from 700 pounds to over 1,000 pounds. These benefits continued to rise after his initial success. It is important to note here that he was using Crazy Bulk products that emulated sustanon rather than real sustanon.

Are These Results Typical?

When deciding to use sustanon, it is important to know if these are typical gains or if they are outstanding. And I’m here to say that these gains were not typical, though that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Like with other anabolic steroids, your extra muscle will be limited by the amount of time you spend working out. Simply put, taking sustanon won’t improve your fitness levels.

In fact, the results highlighted here came from professional or dedicated amateurs who were willing to put in the necessary time for building their muscles. They not only took sustanon 3-4 times a week but put in hours at the gym nearly every day. That’s the one element about steroid use that many people forget. Even if sustanon and other steroids promote healthy muscles, they don’t automatically add muscles to your body.

So in that way, I can safely say that the results highlighted here are not typical. Most people aren’t going to put in the kind of work these athletes did to increase their muscles. However, if you are dedicated to enhancing your bulk and more than ready to exercise regularly, you should see similar results. That said, your body frame may also limit your gains, so make sure you set your expectations at a reasonable level.

The Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable Mixed reviews Summary

Sustanon is a fantastic anabolic steroid. It is highly versatile, well-tolerated by most all men and perfect for most any cycle. It is not superior to other testosterone forms and this is something we cannot stress enough. The combination of four testosterone forms is an excellent marketing ploy that’s been used to entice many performance athletes, but it’s no better or worse than traditional testosterone compounds. You can use Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate and receive the same, identical benefits and effects as you would with Sustanon 250.

While Sustanon is the same on a functional basis as all testosterone forms, there is a time to choose it over other forms. If your supplier carries Organon Sustanon, a human grade anabolic steroid but only carries other testosterone forms from generic underground labels, always go with Sustanon.

Sustanon Oil Steroids Injectable review

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  • Cost Effectiveness


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